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Install the service mesh

Please confirm that your cluster has successfully connected to the container management platform, and then perform the following steps to install the service mesh.

  1. Click Container Management from the left navigation bar, enter the Cluster List , and click the name of the cluster where the service mesh is to be installed.

    cluster list

  2. On the Cluster Overview page, click Console .


  3. Enter the following commands line by line from the console (change the VERSION based on your actual demands):

    export VERSION=0.0.0-xxxx
    helm repo add mspider
    helm repo update
    helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n mspider-system mspider mspider/mspider --version=${VERSION} --set


    Please replace 0.0.0-xxx with the version number of the service mesh you plan to install.

  4. Check the Pod information under the namespace mspider-system , and see that the relevant Pods have been created and running, indicating that the service mesh is installed successfully.

Next step: Create Mesh
